Friend, Jeff
22Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying:2“The kingdom of heaven is likea king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son.3He sent his servantsto those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come. ...
We must stop thinking of them as separate but part of the means in which we tell our story, the church’s story and the story of Jesus Christ. They do not exist separately but work in tandem to cross-pollinate. After all, we want to be able to leverage the social networks of our ...
The two great commandments—to love God and our neighbor—are a joining of the temporal and the spiritual. Na ture rahi e piti—here i te Atua e i to tatou taata tupu—o te hoê ïa tahoêraa o te pae tino e o te pae varua. LDS Then he went into another room and brought...
October 11, 2022Grace, Prayer, Spiritual Life, The Life of JesusAquinas, Athanasius, Columba Marmion, Galatians, HungryRob Agnelli In the midst of his battle against the Arians, St. Athanasius once pithily said, “that which Christ did not assume, has not been healed.” The point that the...
If one of you wants to be great, he must be the servant of the rest; 27and if one of you wants to be first, he must be your slave — 28like the Son of Man, who did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life to redeem many people.” Jesus Heals Two Blind ...
Now there is only TWO LEFT that we know of. After all are fulfilled, then the Rapture (also called the Translation or caught up) is expected for those that follow Jesus (the Bible). This should be on the Jewish “Feast of Trumpets”‐ref Num 10:2—usually September or October; and ...
Now there is only TWO LEFT that we know of. After all are fulfilled, then the Rapture (also called the Translation or caught up) is expected for those that follow Jesus (the Bible). This should be on the Jewish “Feast of Trumpets”‐ref Num 10:2—usually September or October; and ...
Now there is only TWO LEFT that we know of. After all are fulfilled, then the Rapture (also called the Translation or caught up) is expected for those that follow Jesus (the Bible). This should be on the Jewish “Feast of Trumpets”‐ref Num 10:2—usually September or October; and ...
Now there is only TWO LEFT that we know of. After all are fulfilled, then the Rapture (also called the Translation or caught up) is expected for those that follow Jesus (the Bible). This should be on the Jewish “Feast of Trumpets”‐ref Num 10:2—usually September or October; and ...