Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the new words from the text. I'm good at math, so my teacher ___ that I should choose advanced math in my first year. Finding time for both studies and extra-curricular activities is a big ___, so I need to make a wo...
have one’s work cut out See DIFFICULTY. ordeal by fire A severe test of character; a very distressing situation. In ancient Britain, an ordeal was a type of trial in which divine intervention was considered the only proof of a suspect’s innocence. These ordeals took many brutal forms, ...
metonymy SSS_TEXT_QUSTI 该题您未回答 : х 该问题分值 : 2 答案 : 正确答案: Metaphor involves **parison of two concepts in that one is constructed in terms of the other, and it is often described in terms of a target domain and a source domain. Metonymy is a figure of speech in ...
each other, even when they are standing side by side. Non-identical twins come into being when the mother produces two separate eggs at the same time, both of which grow to form babies. In this case the twins look like normal brothers and sisters and are easy to tell one from the ...
This article considers two murals by Mário Belém that were commissioned by two local government institutions: the Municipality of Torres Novas and the Borough of Alvalade in Lisbon. The murals share musical iconography and narratives related to local..
"Two cities have been formed by two loves: the earthly by the lover of self, even to the contempt of God; the heavenly by the love of God, even to the contempt of self." St. Augustine, DE CIVITATE DEI, Book XIV, Chapter 28
Therefore, solving the problem of assisted listening in multi-talker environments could have wide societal benefits in terms of communication and mental health. Auditory attention decoding (AAD) is a recent approach aimed at such a solution, one which exploits knowledge of the listener’s auditory ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Multifunction displays replace the dozens of single-purpose instruments typical in current cockpits. Each display is capable of presenting any one of several types of information (e.g., navigation, communication) and different versions of each one appropriate for a particular task (e.g., hover,...
If things are getting too jolly around the living room, load up one of these films and watch the mood plummet faster than you can say, “Hand me the flask.” Spoiler alert: A prominent canine character dies in at least six out of ten of these titles. The descriptions below may or ...