recovery code 一般在电脑的downloads目录下,文件名为github-recovery-codes.txt 请注意每个recovery code仅能使用一次 登录进来之后,点击自己的头像,找到setting,编辑authentication app修改,在新手机上下载freeotp,重新扫码验证,生成新的2fa code
程序集: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI.dll 包: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI v9.0.0 Source: TwoFactorAuthentication.cshtml.cs 此API 支持 ASP.NET Core 标识默认 UI 基础结构,不应直接从代码使用。 将来的版本中可能会更改或删除此 API。 C# 复制 public int Rec...
5.在“Security”页面中,找到“Two-Factor Authentication”(双因子验证)部分。 6.点击“Show recovery codes”(显示恢复代码)链接。 7.在恢复代码页面中,您将看到一个列表,其中包含您过去使用过的2FA代码。 请注意,每个用户的恢复代码都是唯一的,并且只能使用一次。如果您丢失了恢复代码,您需要重新生成一个新的代...
将随机码填入到Pin Code下方输入框,提交 注:如果提示invalid code,应该是Gitlab所在的系统的时间不精准,需要配置ntp服务与网络时间服务器同步 如果验证成功,则会出现如下页面,会显示几串码,这是recovery code,用于当你丢失手机后可用于 来恢复访问账号,可以点击Download Codes把这些码保存到安全的地方 退出系统,重新登...
Recovery codes can be used to access your account in the event you lose access to your device and cannot receive two-factor authentication codes. 如果是第1次启用2FA,可以查看微软的文档:Add non-Microsoft accounts to the Microsoft Authenticator app - Microsoft Support此时,就算真正完成了2因素认证了!
3.1. Creating recovery codes for two-factor authentication Copy link Create recovery codes after you enable two-factor authentication for your account. You can use a recovery code to authenticate and log in to your account if you lose your authenticator...
Enable two-factor authentication Sign in to your Docker account. Select your avatar and then from the drop-down menu, select Account settings. Navigate to the Security section, then select Two-factor authentication. Enter your account password, then select Confirm. Save your recovery code and stor...
Two-factor authentication recovery codes Requiring two-factor authentication in your organization For GitHub Enterprise Server, the second form of authentication is a code that's generated by an application on your mobile device. After you enable 2FA, GitHub Enterpr...
recovery key to set it up on the new phone. If you app does not have codes for us, we cannot provide a code or key. Those can only be obtained during the set up. If you don’t have recovery information, we will need to turn off two-factor authentication if you want to log in....
我是免费版用户,由于手机被偷,MFA无法使用,恢复代码也存在该手机上一并丢失,然后在论坛上看到 按照这篇帖子的说明发邮件给privacy@teamviewer.com请求删除原本的账号以便重新...