第1 步— 服务器生成带有密钥的 QRCode 通常要实现 TOTP 2FA 的第一步,会让你扫描一个很大的 QRCode ,而这个 QRCode 中就带有服务器想要传给你的秘钥。 如果把上图的 QRCode 解码出来会得到 otpauth://totp/GitHub:LarryLuTW?secret=X5CTBOMEYE3TXIIS 这个字符串,这串 URI 是由 Github 发布的,而后面...
To help protect your Localize account, we highly recommend enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) for your user account. Even if your organization decides not to enforce it organization-wide, you still have the option to enable it for yourself. Enable Two-Factor Authentication When setting up ...
An account name and the associated password are required to log into an account. Two-factor authentication adds an extra level of security to the login process. After entering the account name and password, you will need to enter a single-use authentication code. There are free authentication a...
Once you sign into a device using two-factor authentication, it becomes a trusted device. This means that Apple recognizes it as yours and can use it to verify your identity by displaying a verification code on it whenever you sign in on a different device or browser. An Apple Watch runnin...
GitHub 在 2023 年 3 月推出了双因素认证(two-factor authentication)简称 2FA,并且承诺所有在 GitHub 上贡献的开发者在 2023 年底前启用双因素认证。因此最近在访问 GitHub 时如果注意的话经常会看到提示让在 2023 年 10 月 12 日之前开启,否则可能影响账户的使用: ...
在之前的博文用Abp实现短信验证码免密登录(一):短信校验模块一文中,我们实现了用户验证码校验模块,今天来拓展这个模块,使Abp用户系统支持双因素认证(Two-Factor Authentication)功能。 两步验证,又称双重验证或双因素认证(Two-Factor Authentication,简称 2FA),本文称为“双因素认证”,它是使用两个或多个因素的任意组...
点击“Configure Two-factor authentication (2FA)”按钮以启动设置向导。 插件将要求您选择一种身份验证方法: 使用您选择的应用程序生成的One-time code(推荐) 通过电子邮件发送给您的One-time code 建议您选择app方式认证,更安全可靠。然后单击下一步按钮继续。
When do I have to enter the Apple ID verification code? Once signed in, you will not be prompted for Apple two factor authentication code for that account again until you perform any of these actions: Sign out of the device. Delete the device from the Apple account. ...
2FA是多因子验证(multiple factor authentication, MFA)的一种特殊形式,通过两种方法验证身份,以增强登录的安全性。验证方法包括,用户名和密码或特定的安全App。2FA保护用户免于收到phishing、social engineering和密码暴力破解的共计。 2FA的一般形式 硬件token ...
You will find a link at the bottom of the Two Factor Authentication form under “Need help”, which will allow you to enter a code. In the unfortunate event that the authentication codes were also lost, you can request a reset of your authentication settings by emailing the Tracker Support...