Introduction: The term "two-eyed seeing" is spreading across North America as a concept for explanatory pluralism. The concept was brought into academic science by Albert Marshall, a M'iqmaq from Nova, Scotia, Canada. It speaks to the idea that indigenous knowledge is a...
Two-Eyed Seeing: An Integretive Science JourneyHatcher, AnnamarieBartlett, CheryllMarshall, MurdenaMarshall, Albert
Albert Neri, alone, leaves it to the parking valets, and moves quickly through the automatic doors, into the main casino. We still hear the CORLEONE WALTZ. INT. THE TROPICANA - DAY Albert Neri enters the room; glances around a moment, and then heads toward the crap table, where a short...
Most Common Text: Click on the icon to return to and to enjoy and benefit the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when...
Methods Given the entrenched health inequities experienced by Indigenous populations across the globe, this paper details an approach to medical education research put forward by Canadian Mi''kmaw Elders Murdena and Albert Marshall and named 'two鈥恊yed seeing'. This approach provides the opportunity ...
Empowered by the idea of "two-eyed seeing" explained by Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall, which acknowledges two sides to the healing process, I began to move forward. Through a process of artistic introspection, circular reflection, and collegial collaboration, I was able to reposition myself so...
Annamarie Hatcher, Cheryl Bartless, Murdena Marshall and Albert Marshall, "Two-Eyed Seeing: A Cross-cultural Science Journey, Green Teacher 86, Fall 2009, p. 3.Hatcher, A., Bartlett, C., Marshall, M., & Marshall, A. (2009). Two-eyed seeing: A cross-cul- tural science journey. ...
Albert MarshallMi'kmaq Nation EldersMurdena MarshallMi'kmaq Nation EldersTaylor & Francis GroupCanadian Journal of Science Mathematics & Technology EducationHatcher, A., Bartlett, C., Marshall, A., & Marshall, M. (2009). Two-eyed seeing in the classroom environment: Concepts, approaches, and ...
Understandings herein have been grown over many years by the co-authors working closely together and in conjunction with others to share understandings about Mi'kmaw language and knowledge and to...Marshall, AlbertEskasoniBartlett, CherylCape Breton University...