Give two examples for each of the following: (a) an intangible good, (b) a tangible good, (c) a bad.Goods and Services:Goods and services are the things or items which get traded in the market and which has a demand and supply. The goods and services are provi...
Answer to: Provide an example of two public goods or services and the geographic scale at which they can be most efficiently provided. By signing...
(i) Complementary goods are those which are useless in the absence of other goods and which are demanded jointly. (ii) There would always exist an inverse relationship between price of complementary goods and demand for given commodity. (iii) It
Many goods are consumed or used either instead of or along with some other goods. In other words, there may be substitutes for or complements to some god&. Examples of substitutes include butter and margarine(人造黄油). automobile transportation and airline transportation, university training and ...
with the inclusion of special measures for particular population groups, such as migrants, when needed: (a) the availability of functioning public health facilities, goods and services, as well as programmes; (b) their accessibility, including both its physical and financial aspects; (c) their ac...
When offering products in the host countries, multinational companies may present their goods and services just as they are offered in their home countries. Examples include branded and packaged food and beverages. They carry similar brand names and are similar in appearance. Companies also might set...
Exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) is the degree to which changes in an exchange rate affect the prices of goods, both for imports and exports. Inflation, Exchange Rates, and Interest Rates Inflation is closely related tointerest rates, which can influence exchange rates. Countries try to b...
These are amounts billed by companies to customers upon delivery of goods or services and are usually due within 12 months. The approach fits the entity With these different types and characteristics of financial assets, there is the question ‘How should entities calculate the ECLs for each ...
Network industries are common: telephone, Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs), railroads, roads, and electricity are just a few examples. An examination of some important public policy aspects of network industries requires a deeper understanding of the concepts of “compatibility” and “network externali...
will be. The term industry can be refers to a field or anorganisationinvolve in the production of goods‚servicesor extraction of natural resources. There aretwotypes oforganisationin an industry‚ product-orientedorganisationandservice-oriented organization. The term "product" i...