Thus, on average, the assumption of orthogonality between parasternal long- and short-axis views and between the four- and two-chamber views is correct, but there is wide deviation from this expectation in individual patients. These deviations may affect the accuracy of 2-D echocardiographic ...
(score≤2).Two-dimensional images were recorded from the left ventricular four-chamber view,two-chamber view and the apical view before and after revascularization.According to ventricular wall motion improved after revascularization the patients were divided into viable myocardium group and non-viable ...
I coasted through the drivel to find compatriots who seemed as disenfranchized as I felt…and bounced in the echo chamber. Finally, overwhelmed by the polarization, I started posting art. Posting beauty seemed like a balm for the ages and I attracted a group of like-minded folk who saw s...
The more I have worked in public history, the more I have become more and more convinced over time that echo chamber history is virtually pointless – what purpose does it really serve? Recent events – Brexit, for one – suggests to me that history, and especially military history – has...
SDDS Aspect ratio 1.85 : 1 Related news “I couldn’t care less”: Sandra Bullock Boldly Claimed She’d Never Face Julia Roberts’ Hollywood Fate After Her $199 Million Hit Film Dec 16FandomWire When Hugh Grant Turned Down Gilderoy Lockhart: Why He Passed On Harry Potter’s Chamber of Secr...
This place has become a bit of an echo chamber, seeing as there are only old posts making any noise around here. That being said, we’re about to get some new noises from new contributors (which I’ve been trying to incite for a while), so enjoy a few guest posts (note the bylin...
Let X be a complex algebraic K3 surface of degree 2d and with Picard number $$\rho $$ . Assume that X admits two commuting involutions: one holomorphic and
CMR is an advanced imaging tool and is the gold standard for non-invasive assessment of cardiac chamber volumes, function and structure. CMR offers an unrestricted field of view and excellent spatial resolution compared to TTE for an improved assessment of structural abnormalities. It can also ...
Images were obtained by three experienced echocardiographers using the GE Vivid 7 and M4S transducer (GE Vingmed Ultrasound AS, Horten, Norway) with patients in the lateral decubitus position. Standard 2D grayscale images of three standard apical views (four-chamber, two-chamber, and apical long...
From the right parasternal location, standard views include a long-axis four-chamber view and a long-axis left ventricular outflow view, and short-axis views at the levels of the left ventricular apex, papillary muscles, chordae tendineae, mitral valve, aortic valve, and pulmonary arteries. ...