two birds one stone意思 “Two birds, one stone”是一个常用的英语成语,字面上的意思是“一石打两鸟”,用来形容一个行动或决策可以同时达到两个目的,实现双重效果,或者一举两得。这个成语通常用来称赞某人的聪明或高效,因为他们用一个方法或手段同时解决了两个问题。
The meaning of KILL TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE is to achieve two things by doing a single action. How to use kill two birds with one stone in a sentence.
It allows users to have a voice call on one SIM and browse the internet on another one. Additionally, our solution extends DSDA to cover both 5G and 4G concurrently. This is a notable upgrade from the Dual-SIM Dual-Standby (DSDS) feature, which allows only one...
initial efficiency after 5000 h exposure in ambient and the device with encapsulation retained 95% of its initial efficiency after >500 h working at the maximum power point under continuous light irradiation in ambient. It is expected this one-stone-for-two-birds strategy will benefit large-...
Two Birds with One Stone: Two-Factor Authentication with Security Beyond Conventional Bound 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 784 作者:Wang, Ding, Wang, Ping 摘要: As the most prevailing two-factor authentication mechanism, smart-card-based password authentication has been a subject of ...
Two Birds One Stone·一石二鸟(木色店) ¥92/人 郑东新区 郑东新区CBD 咖啡厅 1.6万 林夏Eva 8月10日 13:27 打分 ¥100/人 又是一个美妙的周末啦!今天天气真的太给力了,阳光明媚,简直就是Brunch的最佳拍档!我跟我的几个好朋友约了去我们最爱的那家店吃Brunch,真是期待死了! 不得不说,这里的...
kill two birds with one stone的意思就是“to get two things done at the same time”,即“一石二鸟,一举两得”。 例句:I killed two birds with one stone and picked the kids up on the way to the supermarket.我在去超市的途中顺便接了孩子,一举两得。下面我们再来学习两个习语:kill sth ...
“Kill two birds with one stone”就是这种情况。 也可能你觉得自己认识,但大脑卡壳了……或者,不确定它的中文意思。 这句话直译是“用一块石头杀死两只鸟”(听起来有一些残忍)。 那么这句俚语是什么意思呢? 当我们在工作或生活...
Two Birds One Stone Blanc, Vin de France 一石二鸟酒庄白葡萄酒 点击次数:189 酒款年份 2020 下一页 上一页 酒款类型: 白葡萄酒 酒庄: 产区: 法国France 酿酒葡萄: 酒款年份: 2020年 国内市场参考价: ¥暂无价格信息 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“一石二鸟酒庄白葡萄酒(Two Birds One Stone ...
One stone, two birds: harnessing interfaith tourism for peacebuilding and socio-economic developmentInterfaith tourismpeacebuildingUN SDG16religious tourismAfricaEthiopiaThis study examines the importance of interfaith tourism to peace and socio-economic development and assesses factors that influence interfaith ...