while a fleet of Chinese electric buses served as the backbone of public transportation during the 2022 World Cup in Doha. Landmarks such as Algeria's Grand Mosque and Kuwait's Central Bank headquarters showcase the work of Chinese construction firms. Chinese electronics and appliances have become...
"The master craftsmen are the backbone. Without a diamond, you can't handle porcelain," Xi said. Attending a plenary meeting of the delegation of the People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force on March 7, he said the drive to accelerate the development of new quality pr...
Two stage方法首先会生成候选区域,随后利用卷积神经网络对这些区域进行分类,并且通常会进行位置微调。 第一阶段:从图像中生成regional proposal,这些proposal本质上是物体边框的初步预测。 第二阶段:从这些regional proposal中提炼出最终的物体边框。 常用的backbone包括VGGNet和ResNet,此类方法准确度高,但相较于One stage...
The colour code is oxygen atoms (red), carbon (black), schematic backbone (grey) and the glutamate from a neighbouring molecule (gold). Water molecules are labelled w1–w3. Selected hydrogen bonds are shown as dashed red lines. (c) Stereo Cα plot comparing Mg2+ (red) and Mn2+ (blue)...
本篇论文主要探究了,two-stage 检测器之所以速度慢的原因。并提出了轻量化的头部,大大提高了 two-stage 目标检测的速度。使用 tiny network(例如,类似 Xception 的网络结构) 作为 backbone 可以在 COCO 数据集上获得 30.7 AP,102 FPS 的效果。 图一:比较 Light-Head R-CNN 和其他 one-stage 和 two-stage ...
Buy The Backbone of Europe (9781108421959): Health, Diet, Work and Violence over Two Millennia: NHBS - Richard H Steckel, Clark Spencer Larsen, Charlotte A Roberts, Jörg Baten, Jerome C Rose, Cambridge University Press
一、Two stage工作 在通用目标检测技术领域中,最早的two stage检测器可以追溯到R-CNN,如图1所示,其...
Web spiders synthesize silk fibers of unique strength and extensibility through the controlled self-assembly of protein building blocks, so-called spidroins. The spidroin C-terminal domain is highly conserved and connects two polypeptide chains through f
Many evidences have shown that brain functions are driven by dynamic interactions between large-scale neural circuits or networks13, indicating that the underlying anatomical connectivity of the brain provides a crucial backbone to brain functions. It has been hypothesized that cognitive responses and hum...