Intelligent tutoring system (ITS) provides learners with step-by-step problem-solving support through scaffolding. Most ITSs have been developed in the USA
The direction of the Vsd sweeps is indicated by the arrows. Schematic insets show the domain configuration that produces the observed tunnelling behaviour, where the area of the FTJ electrode is indicated in grey (E). In the bottom-right corner, a friction AFM map shows the existing domain ...
Symbol (*) correspond to a statistical significance of higher mean signal intensity, (Po0.01 for ***, Po0.05 for *), compared with the control-untreated Acox1À/À hepatocytes. (b) Western blots were performed using cell extracts from Acox1À/À hepatocytes treated as indicated above ...
The figure was generated using the WebLogo server [42] and the height of the residue symbol indicates the degree of conservation. The sequence numbering shown below the logo corresponds to the proteins from C. crescentus NA1000. Homology modeling of CzrA was performed using the PHYRE2 [44] ...
(black rhino:b,n = 199; Grevy’s zebra:d,n = 155) beta diversity, CLR-transformed and agglomerated at the genus level for diet and family level for the microbiome. Arrows indicate loadings of genera with the length of the arrow indicating the magnitude of the loading score.Eri...
The arrows indicate the scanning direction, and the characteristics exhibit negligible hysteresis behavior. (D) The external quantum efficiency (EQE) of the champion 2D perovskite device fabricated on top of Li-doped NiOX. To further understand the substantial increase in PCE, we studied the ...
chemistry charcoal chancellor cemetery celebration cared cardinal cambridge cafeteria businessmen burton burn breeze bow boost blessed blank blackman berger bees beaten batting battens bathing bankers attraction associates asian arriving armies arguments apt apprentice applause anchor amy ambitions alongside ...
When the normal direction of the layered 2D-HMH layer is parallel (antiparallel) to the direction of the k vector of the pump pulse, the \(+{{{\bf{p}}}_{{{\mathrm{dipole}}}\left(z\right)\) (\({{{\boldsymbol{-}}}{{{\bf{p}}}_{{{\mathrm{dipole}}}\left(z\right)\)) i...
{\boldsymbol{=}}}0.6\),\(\omega=1\)) that yields a square-packed bilayer as the global minimum. The total energy (normalized by\(\pi {R}_{1}^{2}\gamma\)) vs. MC steps and the various structures obtained during the optimization process are shown. The large initial drop in energy...
The statistical errors are below symbol size. The red solid line, delimiting the stability range of the BKT phase (red area), is a guide for the eyes. The blue symbols give the positions of the maxima in the susceptibility as derived from experimental w(H,T ¼constant) data taken at ...