With respect to the mountain cold-adapted animals, the glacier during the cold glacial periods has created connectivity and interglacial refugia that might have served as a gene pool and maintained high levels of genetic diversity during the warming periods (An et al. 2015; Li et al. 2016). ...
The following characters, together, distinguish the larva of T. granarium from the larvae of other species of Trogoderma: the setae of the basal antenna1 segment a r e in a semi-circle round the base of the segment and in length extend beyond the second an-tennal segment (Fig. I) ; ...
Our understanding of the origin of animals has been transformed by characterizing their most closely related, unicellular sisters: the choanoflagellates, filastereans, and ichthyosporeans. Together with animals, these lineages make up the Holozoa [1, 2]. Many traits previously considered “animal ...
No experiments on living animals were performed; all the analyses were carried out on dead specimens caught during fishing activity and, therefore, no approval from the local ethics committee was necessary. The total length (TL) of each female was measured to the nearest mm; moreover, in a ...
No hybrid individuals were detected in the sampled animals within the multispecies enclosure in Bandia Reserve, Senegal. The parameters of genetic polymorphism indicated much lower genetic diversity in Western Derby elands compared to Cape elands. On the other hand, the coefficient of inbreeding was...
The choice of the sires and dams of the tested animals is a more critical point when estimating genetic change. No selection was achieved on the records of the progeny-test stations, and results of the different methods were indeed in fairly good agreement with each other for this data set....
There was a significant increase in barrenness of two-tooths but no effect on the mixed-age ewes. In the 4/720 group in Experiment 2, only 57.1% of two-tooths less than 36.8 kg were mated during the first 16 days compared with 84.7% of animals above this weight....
Optimal foraging theory predicts that animals maximise energy intake by consuming the most valuable foods available. When resources are limited, they may include lower-quality fallback foods in their diets. As seasonal herbivore diet switching is underst
1.Mostanimalsaresoftandfluffywhenfirstborn. 大多数动物刚出生时都很软,身上有绒毛.2.Alongfluffyscarfmadeofsoftmaterial,suchasfurorfeathers. 长围巾用如毛皮或羽毛等柔软材料制成的长而蓬松的围巾cascade:[kæs'keid] n.小瀑布v.瀑布似地落下vi.像瀑布般冲下或倾泻asmallwaterfallorseriesofsmallwaterfalls;...
Due to the opportunistic nature of sampling and the tendency of the Saiga to avoid people, we were unable to collect more information concerning the individual animals. Hence, it remains unknown how much of the variation within and across the populations was driven by factors such as age and ...