M: HTLV-1 bZIP factor dysregulates the Wnt pathways to support proliferation and migration of adult T-cell leukemia cells. Oncogene 2013 - Ma, Yasunaga, et al. () Citation Context ...iplicate, and representative results are shown. Next we studied STLV-1 Tax and SBZ for their capability ...
The Wnt family of secreted glycoproteins is widely involved in cell proliferation, differentiation and oncogenesis. Many Wnt signaling genes are upregulated and activated in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Less is known concerning acute leukemia. One subty
张小鹂 爱尔兰华人中心常务主席 吴景远 上海走客网络科技有限公司执行董事长、德国A-E Link Institute Gmbh总经理 陈图敏 中国泰国商会副会长、协联投资(中国) 有限公司总经理 张 军 新西兰-中国国际贸易促进委员会常务副会长兼秘书长(美格国际资...
1 江屿白吻我时,我闻到了宫颈癌细胞的腐臭味。 他唇齿间有林雪落的香水味,那个换走我右肾的芭蕾舞者。 “最后一次。” 他扯开我病号服,“医生说癌变的子宫不影响取卵。” 促排针的淤青在小腹连成地图。 我数着天花板裂缝,想起捐肾那晚他也是这样压着我:“乔乔,等雪落病好了,我们就结婚。” 取卵针扎入卵巢...