Google Social Graph的lookup方法可以获取一个 twitter 用户的关联信息。 我们可以通过组装这样的 URL : 来得到 zhengyun 的 twitter profile ,结果如下所示: { "canonical_mapping": { "": "http://twitter...
ListsApi userFollowedLists GET /2/users/{id}/followed_lists Get User's Followed Lists SpacesApi findSpaceById GET /2/spaces/{id} Space lookup by Space ID SpacesApi findSpacesByCreatorIds GET /2/spaces/by/creator_ids Space lookup by their creators SpacesApi findSpacesByIds GET /2/spaces ...
You can specify the search mode as a second parameter (Client::MODES['USERNAME']ORClient::MODES['ID']) Example: $return=$client->userLookup() ->findByIdOrUsername('twitterdev', \Noweh\TwitterApi\UserLookup::MODES['USERNAME']) ->performRequest() ; ...
user_id=860921 #>11944231 As you can see, some parts of the Twitter archive include the barest minimum amount of data. Thankfully, we can still usertweetto gather additional data about these users. I’m looking at a small subset of my 9...
Rules lookupGET Add/Delete rulesPOST Tweet lookup by Tweet IDGET Hide repliesPUT Returns Tweet objects liked by the provided User IDGET Causes the user (in the path) to like the specified tweetPOST Causes the user (in the path) to unlike the specified tweetDELETE ...
Note: You are able to capture a user's email address by performing a lookup on the visitor ID. You must first create an email address form field where the HTML Name is emailAddress.If there are multiple fields requested on the secondary form, the user will be pr...
您可以使用users/lookup方法来完成此操作。这与this gem的users method相对应。