Sunburn74 said: Honestly this isn't going to attract advertisers... not sure what's in it for musk financially to let these loonies back in Ad agencies are have been telling their clients to halt their ad spend on Twitter. ...
A severe sunburn becomes sun poisoning when it moves from just that red, hot rash to blisters, feeling like you have the flu, dizzy, or nauseous. Sun poisoning is your body's immune reaction to all of that sun damage. So what do you do if you have either of those things?
especially if it just looks like it's a sunburn and there's no bubbling or anything, that's probably gonna be a superficial thickness burn or a first degree burn but when you start getting into those deeper burns when it's bubbling up on the surface, go see a doctor to determine what...
Wasn’t expecting such a weird awful take from@elonmusk. Some people can’t work from home, I get it. But why does that mean I’m some monster for not fighting traffic for 3 hours a day to go into an office for no reason? — Mark Leonard (@Kupsey17)May 17, 2023 Elon's take ...
on the top of the head and the shoulders and the upper part of the back. so homo erectus probably retained hair on the top of the head to block out solar radiation and evolved the capacity to grow it longer to protect the head, shoulders, and the upper part of the back from sunburn...
and the upper part of the back from sunburn. @bzieg73 asks, so like, what did cavemen do about dental hygiene? Well, unfortunately, probably not much. We do have some fossils which denote habitual use of toothpicks, where they've used toothpicks so much ...