I have always adhered to Twitter's rules and regulations, and I have never engaged in any activities that violate its terms of service. The suspension came as a shock to me, as I use Twitter to stay connected with friends, family, and professionals in my industry. It is an essential too...
I am committed to following Twitter's rules and regulations. I believe that my account was suspended in error. I am confident that I can continue to be a positive member of the Twitter community. I am requesting that my account be reinstated as soonas possible. Thank you for your considera...
First of all, I want to express my sincere apology, if we violate any regulations or policies during the use of Twitter. I promise that we have a good understanding of Twitter's rules and community rules, and we will do everything possible to observe them. We are very confused and frust...
First of all, I want to express my sincere apology, if we violate any regulations or policies during the use of Twitter. I promise that we have a good understanding of Twitter's rules and community rules, and we will do everything possible to observe them. We are very confused and frust...
First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest apologies for any misunderstanding or inconvenience this suspension has caused. As a regular user of Twitter, I have always strived to abide by the platform's rules and regulations. However, I realize that in this case, my actions may ...
Twitter hasn’t exactly had the smoothest of relationships with app developers over the last few months, following last year’s announcement that it would soon introduce stricter rules and regulations for those who build apps linked to the messaging platform. ...
Next: every app accessing Twitter’s API must be authenticated. In other words, should any developer run afoul of the new rules and regulations Twitter had laid down here, the company will simply be able to revoke access, full stop.
In addition to these key Twitter contest rules, there may be other laws and regulations to comply with depending on where your business is located or which industry you’re in. Just be sure to keep your legal team in the loop to avoid being in violation of any rules and regulations. Best...
Twitter owns the lawn, and does not charge those who want to enter the lawn or those who want to exit the lawn. They do post some rules of behavior (TOS) for the lawn, but reserve the right to alter those at any time or take action outside the TOS. They have vi...
and the owners, general and limited partners, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, and agents of the foregoing entities. The Sweepstakes is subject to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Void in the Province of Quebec and where prohibited or restricted by law, rule, or regulati...