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As of this logo revision, the word "Twitter" and the lowercase letter "t" are no longer used, with the bird becoming the sole symbol for the company's branding. According to Douglas Bowman, designer of Twitter, the new logo resembles a mountain bluebird.Twitter explains on their website ...
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(status="Using @boogheta's sweet Python Twitter Tools.")# Send a direct{"event": {"type":"message_create","message_create": {"target": {"recipient_id""boogheta")["id"]},"message_data": {"text":"I think yer...
join([id_img1, id_img2])) # Or send a tweet with an image (or set a logo/banner similarily) # using the old deprecated method that will probably disappear some day params = {"media[]": imagedata, "status": "PTT ★"} # Or for an image encoded as base64: params = {"media[...
“Pallas cat HVAC logo” Bronze package HVAC services, commercial ice machine leasing and services. 39 entries 13 designers We’ve saved a spot for your design contest :)Get your own design Winner Finished16 days ago CreditStephyxCreditViviana Bronze package It’s a logo between two women want...