1.I don’t know why my account was blocked. I’m a Chinese, so I can’t use my mobile phone to verify my account. I’m not a robot. I hope to verify the reason for my blockade and unblock my account, thanks. 2.I'm a user of Twitter in China.When I turned on my computer ...
你也可以进入自己的主页>设置>帮助,也可以直接从这里进入http://support.Twi推 特网址。进入帮助页面后,有一个栏目叫trouble shooting,点击里面的About suspended accounts。进去之后找到Can I unsuspend my account?分栏,点击里面File an appealand we may be able to unsuspend your account项目中的here超链接。 Ⅱ...
When I log into my Twitter account and try to create a tweet or change settings, I see notification "Your account is suspended and is not ...
这个页面填写一个 ticket,描述你所遇到的问题和你为啥要申诉(e.g. 没有做出任何违反 Twitter Rules 的行为,中国大陆手机号收不到 Twitter 打来的电话),一般来说用英文比较好: image.png 如果你不懂洋文,这里我提供个复制用范文(瞎写的,诸君不要吐槽) Hi, My account is currently suspended by Twitter, but...
填写您在哪里遇到此问题,全名和推特用户名以及用来联系的邮箱。 最后需要填写问题说明,英文表达。 问题说明: 描写账号被封锁的事情经过,介绍自己是中国人无法用手机进行核实账号,并表达我是人不是机器人。希望能够解除账号的封锁,感谢。 示例: I don’t know why my account was blocked. I’m a Chinese, so ...
I literally cannot access any part of my account settings at all. So they decide to suspend my account, don't tell me exactly why then give me instructions on how to fix the issue that don't work because my account is suspended. I don't know why but I find this to...
Recovering a permanently suspended account on Twitter is usually a matter of luck. If the support team decides you were rightly banned, you'll never be allowed to create a new account on Twitter with the same name and IP address. Luckily, there's a solution to even this problem. And that...
I believe that my account was suspended in error. The content that I posted was not intended to beharmful or abusive. I was simply expressing my opinion on a matter of public importance. I am a strong believer in freedom of speech and I believe that Twitter is a valuable platform for pe...
My account is currently suspended by Twitter, but I have no idea why my account was locked. To unlock my account, it seems that I need to enter the confirmation code which I should receive in a phone call from Twitter. However, I am in China Mainland, and the “Call Me” button dose...
推特账号被锁定或受到限制情况的帮助 如果一个账号的行为像是遭到了入侵或看上去违反了 Twitter 规则或服务条款,我们可能会锁定该账号或对该账号的一些功能设置暂时限制。如果你在登录或打开应用时看到一条私信,表示你的账号被锁定,或者账号的一些功能已受到限制,请按照说明来恢复账号,或者继续阅读本文以获取更多信息...