They could have listened to the people and we would have told them, but the media don’t listen to anyone, to the point of irrelevance. Being woke and bowing to the trannies being in the girls’ locker rooms and sports teams was a line voters drew in the sand. Anyway, here is the ...
The internally experienced mystical conceits of a man’s mind do not affect any of the reasons why sex-segregated spaces were created in the first place. Female firefighters in Canada had tofightfor years to have their ownfacilitieslike locker rooms, bathrooms, and showers, after suffering regul...
Movies are filled with funny and unrealistic clichés that just don’t make any sense, and there is no chance any of them would work in the real world, soTwitter userscame together to point out the most ridiculous examples. Got something to add? Share your own unrealistic movie cliché in ...