SAN FRANCISCO (CBSDFW.COM/AP)— Saying their goal is to "keep people safe", Twitter is now banning hate speech that targets religious groups by using dehumanizing language. The social network already bars hateful language directed at individual religious adherents. It also bans hate speech on t...
2015. Cyber hate speech on twitter: An application of machine classification and statistical modeling for policy and decision making. Policy & Internet 7(2):223-242.Burnap, P. & Williams, M.L., Cyber hate speech on twitter: An application of machine classification and statistical modeling for...
Last month, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey took to the platform toannouncethat the company would be making some changes to how the platform addresses “unwanted sexual advances, non-consensual nudity, hate symbols, violent groups, and tweets that glorifies violence.” 1/ We see voices being silenced o...
Twitter is updating its policies on unsafe links to patch one of its most abused loopholes. Starting Thursday, July 30, the social network will censor tweets that link to hate speech and violence. In atweet, Twitter added that accounts that frequently tweet links featuring hateful conduct may ...
Twitter on Wednesday unveiled a new policy prohibiting "violent speech" on its platform, though the rules appear very similar to guidelines against violent threats that the company had on its books before Elon Musk took it ...
Twitter has broadened its campaign against hate speech and abuse. The company said Tuesday that it has begun identifying people who have been banned for abusive behavior and it will stop them from creating new accounts. In July, the companybanned conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, an editor...
[--class_weight CLASS_WEIGHT] BagOfWords model for twitter Hate speech detection optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -m {logistic,gradient_boosting,random_forest,svm,svm_linear}, --model {logistic,gradient_boosting,random_forest,svm,svm_linear} -f EMBEDDINGFILE, ...
David Robinson, Ziqi Zhang, and John Tepper. Hate speech de- tection on twitter: Feature engineering v.s. feature selection. In Proceedings of the 15th Extended Semantic Web Conference, Poster Volume, ESWC'18., 2018.David Robinson, Ziqi Zhang, and John Tepper. Hate speech ...
in reality the criminal justice authorities appear to have little control. Not enough is being done for victims of hate speech. The victim of Ched Evans had to endure a graphic trial and is still being forced to live life ‘on the run’ because she became a victim of a ‘Twitter’ war...
Cyber Hate Speech on Twitter: An Application of Machine Classification and Statistical Modeling for Policy and Decision Making The use of "Big Data" in policy and decision making is a current topic of debate. The 2013 murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich, London, UK led to an ex... P...