3 Method In this section, we describe the method we have applied to the analysis of tweets. We first provide a mathematical definition of self-reposting and its related variables. We then describe how we collect our data and the dataset we obtain. 3.1 Self-reposting of tweets ...
All you have to do is decide on your own definition of popular tweets. For example, say you only want to see tweets with at least 100 retweets:from:TweetBinder min_retweets:100You can add other engagement metrics to the search query too. For example, say you want to see tweets with ...
Oh, and if you’re curious what my current definition of innovation is, here you go: “Innovation transforms the useful seeds of invention into widely adopted solutions valued above every existing alternative.”– Braden Kelley Keep innovating! Please note the following licensing terms for Stikkee ...
For a given topic, the word probability vector is a vector of length V that indicates in each entry the likelihood that a word is in that topic. From this definition, the cosine similarity between two topics is the angle between their word probability vectors, as Equation (1) calculates ...
669 tweet/retweet count, which strikingly compares with those users that follow startups, showing expressively lower activity levels. In terms of popularity, startups follow users that are more popular than those who follow them, with an average FF ratio of 0.46 amongfollowers, compared to an...
Define Twitterstorm. Twitterstorm synonyms, Twitterstorm pronunciation, Twitterstorm translation, English dictionary definition of Twitterstorm. or n informal a message on the Twitter website which attracts a significant amount of attention from other Tw
The definition of twitter is a short burst of inconsequential information and chirps from birds, which describes the purpose of social networking on Twitter -- to share short and quick information. Other Twitter notables: 2012: More than 100 million users post 340 million tweets daily. 2013: Tw...
The definition of twitter is a short burst of inconsequential information and chirps from birds, which describes the purpose ofsocial networkingon Twitter -- to share short and quick information. Other Twitter notables: 2012:More than 100 million users post 340 million tweets daily. ...
Therefore, we generated a graph for each temporal segment and data set (i.e., journalists and dis-informers). Within these graphs, nodes correspond to the identified accounts, and directed edges symbolize the retweet action from one account (A) to another (B). The weight of these edges equ...
What a Retweet Is Before you learn how to retweet, you should first know the definition of the term. A retweet is a post that has been written by one Twitter user and republished by another. Retweeting is the act of sharing another Twitter user's posts. ...