方法一:使用Chrome浏览器 1. 复制推特视频链接。点击右上角指示箭头,选择“Copy link to Tweet”,将链接复制至剪贴板。2. 将链接粘贴至浏览器地址栏。在“https://”后加入“m.”或“mobile.”,然后按Enter。3. 播放视频,右键点击选择“Save video as”。4. 选择下载位置,点击“Save”按钮...
1. 复制推特视频链接,方法:点击右上角向下的指示箭头,选择“Copy link to Tweet”,复制视频链接。2...
步骤1. 在Chrome Web Store里搜索 “Twitter video download”,会有很多结果,选择一个 “Add to Chrome”。 步骤2. 打开Twitter网页版,你会发现视频右下角多出来一个绿色的 “Download” 按钮,点击即可跳转到下载页面,选择清晰度并下载。 用谷歌插件下载推特视频的优缺点: 免费; 操作最简单; 仅适用于Twitter网页...
You can download twitter video from any device with a web browser, no matter your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux, or others). The process is fast, simple, and hassle-free! Copy tweet URL Find the video you want to save from Twitter and copy the link from the address bar. If...
How to download video on Twitter (X) Step 1: Open the Twitter (X) app on your phone or visit Twitter.com using a browser. Step 2 Share Copy Link Step 3: Go to X2Twitter.com website, paste the copied link into the input box and press theDownloadbutton. ...
How to download videos from Twitter: OpenTwitter, and go to the tweet which contains twitter video. Get the link/url of the tweet which have video. Method 1:Click on the tweet, and copy the url from address bar of the browser.
Although Twitter doesn't allow you downloading a video or GIF file butTwdownloadcomes as pretty handy tool, where you have to simply copy and paste the URL link of any tweet that contains video or GIF inside the input-box above and hit the"download"button. This app extracts the video and...
Method 2:Copy click on the three dots(...), and click on"Copy link to Tweet". Now right click on the tweet url and "Copy link address". Paste the tweet link in the above input url box, and click on"Download"button. [↑] Top...
Step 1:When the video is playing, click the dropdown button to copy link to tweet. Step 2:Paste the URL in the textbox space. Step 3:Select the best quality and format option that suits your need. Step 4:Click download to get the content on your local device. ...
To download twitter video for free to your computer, you can use an online video downloader website or a video downloader software. Firstly, find the video you want to download on twitter and then copy its URL link. Then, go to an online twitterfk video downloader website,Paste the copie...