在本月初公测之后,Twitter 宣布 Twitter Circle 功能正式向全球所有用户开放。该功能类似于 Instagram 上的密友(Close Friends)功能,可以向他们最亲密的 150 个朋友分享推文。 Twitter Circle 功能允许用户创建指定的用户群,并向他们分享推文。从本质上讲,这将允许 Twitter 用户与一组预定义的用户共享一些推文,而不会...
IT之家 7 月 8 日消息,马斯克今日发布推文表示,将废除 Twitter Circle(圈子)功能,转而支持改进的社区沟通和 DM(私信)群聊功能,这项决定距离 Circle 功能推出才刚满一年。 Circle 类似于 Instagram 上的密友(Close Friends)功能,允许用户向最亲密的朋友(最多 150 人)而非所有人分享推文,每位用户最多只能创建 1...
IT之家 5 月 30 日消息,Twitter 本月早些时候开始在一个小组中测试 Twitter Circle(推特圈子)功能,经过近一个月的公测之后,Twitter 宣布该功能正式向全球所有用户开放。 据悉,该功能类似于 Instagram 上的密友(Close Friends)功能,可以向他们最亲密的朋友(最多150 人)而非所有人分享推文。IT之家了解到,实际上微...
The article highlights Twitter Search, a micro-blogging service that allows users to send updates known as tweets to a circle of friends. It notes that a tweet consists of 140 characters of text and is similar to Facebook's status update feature. Moreover, a twitter post is simply an ...
Twitter describe Circle as a “way to send Tweets to select people, and share your thoughts with a smaller crowd.”
According to Facebook, the average user usually has 130 friends, but many of these are people who are known by accident or people the user will never meet in real life. But the researcher, Mr. Brashears says, although the circle(圈子) of friends is getting smaller, which may make us ...
To illustrate the point: twitter for each and every person is a vent port, micro-blog.We will own the experience so that they can experience tell circle of friends, and to disseminate . For business, twitter is one of the largest echo wall in the media socialization . users you referred...
A.Many people are worrying about their circle of friends.B.Researchers find many people have only two close friends.C.Young people make as many friends as possible on the Internet. 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: Google、Twitter、维基百科、微博……互联网正改变着人们学习和接受教育的方式。因此,有...
Do you have questions about the new Twitter Circle feature? Let's find the answers to all your questions in our detailed article on Twitter Circle.
Our Twitter Circles won't be enough for us, and we will want to see someone's Circle, right? Let's discover the answer!