generally fairly well made and does boast a scene-stealing turn from noted Canadian actress Jayne Eastwood as a sarcastic maid - yet the overly frenetic and action-heavy third act ensures that even the most open-minded viewer will find their interest slowly but surely start to wane.Twitches To...
The twitches are followed by a respiratory standstill. The rhythm, thereafter, starts with a slightly prolonged inspiration. Benzoctamine and C-G 37059 1 ) prolonged the respiratory standstill and pentobarbitone shortened it.doi:10.1007/BF01986534Urs Michael BucherAgents and Actions...
Takeo FukudaElsevier B.V.Brain ResearchTakao Shimizu , Takeshi Koja , Tadashi Fujisaki , Takeo Fukuda . (1980) Effects of peripheral electric stimulation on the central 5-hydroxytryptamine turnover and drug-induced head-twitches in mice. Brain Research 193 , 594-597 Online publication date: 1-...
The correolide-induced twitching is abolished by tetrodotoxin (1 microM) or hexamethonium (100 microM), and is markedly inhibited by nifedipine (0.3 microM) or atropine (0.2 microM). The atropine-resistant component is inhibited by selective antagonists of NK1 and NK2 tachykinin receptors, ...