第一步:整个过程发生在奇游平台上,因此您需要首先打开奇游,并搜索World of Tanks,然后进行网络优化。这不仅有助于您的游戏网络的优化,还能提供更出色的游戏体验。 第二步:在页面的右侧,您将找到Twitch掉宝领取选项。 第三步:初次使用Twitch掉宝自动领取功能时,您需要点击右上角,以复制一个特殊的验证码。这个验证码...
Even better: if you play World of Tanks PC or World of Tanks: Mercenaries ox Xbox and PlayStation 4, you won’t have to choose, you can have both!To get this unique collection of goodies, all you need is a Twitch Prime membership and an account for World of Tanks PC or World of ...
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Make sure to claim the Drop within 24 hours of the end of the campaign.If you do not take any action, the Drops reward will disappear 24 hours after the campaign ends.When you receive a Drop, you may be prompted to share your claimed Drops in the chat, like in the image below: Cam...
Once again, Twitch Prime and World of Tanks are teaming up, with even more sweets for you, including an exclusive tank —Captured King Tiger with unique 3D customizationfrom May 30 May to July 1 — the American Tier VII Heavy tank
633 -- 12:59 App World of Tanks / 史诗般的胜利和失败 Ep314 2650 7 0:36 App 【战舰世界】就一架飞机而已 7634 40 19:21 App [战舰世界]最佳时刻82 1万 8 0:33 App 《 A L 吾妻》 食我电磁炮 3721 16 19:22 App [战舰世界2K]搞笑时刻137 3008 24 19:39 App 科尔伯特全服伤害...
6. 魔兽世界:德拉诺之王(World of Warcraft:Lord of Draenor) 7. 游戏脱口秀(Gaming Talk Shows) 8. 我的世界(Minecraft) 9. 坦克世界(World of Tanks) 10. 命运(Destiny) 11. FIFA15 12. 星际争霸2:虫群之心(Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm) ...
WHEN game = 'World of Tanks' THEN 'MOBA' ELSE 'Other' END AS 'genre', COUNT(*) FROM stream GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 3 DESC; 查询结果 由查询结果可以看出,从种类来看,观看人数最多的是MOBA类游戏 twitch 用户的主要分布国家 SELECT country, COUNT(*) ...
Not that any of this is particularly unusual. Other titles, such asWorld of Tanks, Rocket League, Smite, Fortnite, and evenCrowfallhave similar events going on right now. And other games let you earn channel points for watching them. I redeemed a nice GalNet Dominix SKIN with channel poin...
9.《坦克世界(World of Tanks)》 10.《命运(Destiny)》 11.《Fifa 15》 12.《星际争霸2:虫群之心(StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm)》 13.《风暴英雄》 14.《方舟:生存进化》 15.《H1Z1》 16.《泰拉瑞亚(Terraria)》 17.《武装突袭3(Arma III)》 ...