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为斗鱼直播间提供多项功能;将油管直播的SuperChat自动换算成CNY并提供67373直播间开播提醒功能;为Twitch直播提供打分、抽奖及礼物记录功能,提供thebs_chen直播间开播提醒功能 使用说明: 1.点击右上角扩展图标弹出设置菜单,可在此设置67373(YouTube)和418094(Twitch)开播提醒功能。油管将于直播预约和开始推流时分别提醒一...
Launikonis, B.S., T.R. Cully, L. Csernoch, and D.G. Stephenson. 2018. NHE- and diffusion-dependent proton fluxes across the tubular system membranes of fast-twitch muscle fibers of the rat. J. Gen. Physiol.
为斗鱼直播间提供多项功能;将油管直播的SuperChat自动换算成CNY并提供67373直播间开播提醒功能;为Twitch直播提供打分、抽奖及礼物记录功能,提供thebs_chen直播间开播提醒功能 使用说明: 1.点击右上角扩展图标弹出设置菜单,可在此设置67373(YouTube)和418094(Twitch)开播提醒功能。油管将于直播预约和开始推流时分别提醒一...
Biosynthesis of metal clusters for the nitrogenase component proteins NifH and NifDK involves electron donation events. Yet, electron donors specific to the biosynthetic pathways of the [ 4Fe-4S] cluster of NifH, or the P-cluster and the FeMo-co of NifDK, have not been identified. Here we ...
The Delta fdxN mutant produced 5-fold less NifB-co, an early FeMo-co biosynthetic intermediate, than wild type. As a consequence, it accumulated FeMo-co-deficient apo-NifDK and was impaired in NifDK activity. We conclude that FdxN plays a role in FeMo-co biosynthesis, presumably by ...
为斗鱼直播间提供多项功能;将油管直播的SuperChat自动换算成CNY并提供67373直播间开播提醒功能;为Twitch直播提供打分、抽奖及礼物记录功能,提供thebs_chen直播间开播提醒功能 使用说明: 1.点击右上角扩展图标弹出设置菜单,可在此设置67373(YouTube)和418094(Twitch)开播提醒功能。油管将于直播预约和开始推流时分别提醒一...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "THE PEDALLER: A Quick Honk, a Few Fast Twitches and I'll Be Up the Hill in No Time" by Simon O'Hagan - The Independent (London, England), May 26, 2002By Simon O'Hagan...
为斗鱼直播间提供多项功能;将油管直播的SuperChat自动换算成CNY并提供67373直播间开播提醒功能;为Twitch直播提供打分、抽奖及礼物记录功能,提供thebs_chen直播间开播提醒功能 使用说明: 1.点击右上角扩展图标弹出设置菜单,可在此设置67373(YouTube)和418094(Twitch)开播提醒功能。油管将于直播预约和开始推流时分别提醒一...
Determination of the Junctional Space [Ca2+] Set by Ryanodine Receptor Leak in Slow- and Fast-Twitch Muscle FibresNot Availabledoi:10.1016/j.bpj.2014.11.1483Cully, Tanya R.Launikonis, Bradley S.Elsevier Inc.Biophysical Journal