Hey@CaptainHUDD. You can find more details on how to set up a case with them over at theEA Help website. If you prefer you can also speak with them viaTwitterorFacebookas well, if that works better for you. /Kent About Apex Legends Technical Issues...
Re: Twitch prime loot issues EA_Kent Community Manager 5 years ago @witchclass Nice! I'm glad to hear they were able to help you get it fixed. 👍 /Kent No RepliesBe the first to reply About Apex Legends Technical Issues
I didn't receive it on either the PC or PS4, and yes everything is on the same EA account. Some customer support you guys got there. About Apex Legends Technical Issues
this is the last hope I have to find a solution for the connection issue between the Twitch Account and EA Account. Intro: After I paid for the Amazon Prime, I went to the Prime Gaming Website to claim my Prime Loot for Apex Legends (Horizon Skin). After I did this, ...
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You can find details and an FAQ here:https://twitch.amazon.com/prime/loot/apex The first thing to do is double check that the EA account you're using is in fact linked with your PlayStation or Xbox account. 1: Log intoOrigin.com ...
What do I do if my account says I have the "swimming buddy" Pathfinder skin claimed. And yet it doesn't show up in my game. Literally it just isn't there but it says it's claimed. And I have other twitch prime loot it's just this one that doesn't appear. ...
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