作为我们与Twitch Prime持续合作的一部分,我们将为社交俱乐部会员和Twitch Prime订户提供一套新的免费游戏内奖励,以配合《GTA Online》中的钻石赌场抢劫和《Red Dead Online》中的月神游戏。 在12月8日之前将账户链接到RockstarGames社交俱乐部账户的Twitch Prime会员将可以免费进入一个新的街机物业,作为你在钻石赌场抢劫...
Gracias a nuestra colaboración con Twitch Prime, vamos a regalar a los miembros del Social Club que también estén suscritos a Twitch Prime un nuevo conjunto de recompensas en los juegos para celebrar el lanzamiento deGolpe a The Diamond Casinoen GTA Online y deFabri...
Channel Description - Rubius — Ruben started his streaming career by playing “GTA IV”, then switched to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Additional Info - Rubius created the elrubiusOMG YouTube channel. Ruben prefers gameplays, but is not limited to that: he also shoots challenges, vlogs, ...
Top-tier Twitch streamers can make anywhere from $100,000 to $200,000 per month from Twitch, depending on their number of average monthly subscribers. These top streamers often have tens of thousands of subscribers, earning $2.50 from each subscriber, including Twitch Prime Subs. ...
Amazon Prime Gaming which is included with an Amazon Prime membership offers free in-game loot every month for a variety of titles including League of Legends, Apex Legends, Grand Theft Auto Online, FIFA20, and DOOM Eternal. Prime Gaming also comes with a collection of free indie games that...
En gros je me suis déjà connectéune foissur Apex Legends sur PC maisje joue sur Xbox.Mon compte Xboxest bien liéà mon compte EA, j'ai donc lié mon Twitch prime à mon compte EA (qui est lié à mon compte Xbox) MAIS je n'ai reçu mes récompenses non pas sur Xbox...
整整一周,《GTA ONLINE》玩家可在购买以下高端载具时享有折扣。并可利用关键资产、翻修和附加部件的折扣优惠,让您的生意双倍获利,包括: 载具: ·佩嘉西桑托劳(超级跑车):六五折 ·佩嘉西风暴(超级跑车):六五折 ·维沙尼欧(跑车):七五折 ·菲斯特陆上彗星 SR(跑车):六五折 ...
get in-game. Currently, everyone who links their accounts gets a one-time bonus of free GTA$ 250,000 when you log in the first time after claiming the bonuses. You can check the current ongoing offers under item #1 of the Frequently Asked Questions on theTwitch Prime GTA Online page. ...