Until April 29, users can claim a customization bundle in “Black Ops 4,” while free in-game loot will be available for Twitch Prime members in “World of Tanks” up until April 30. In the meantime, you’ll still have until April 30 to claim April’s Free Games With Prime, which ...
Make sure to claim the Drop within 24 hours of the end of the campaign.If you do not take any action, the Drops reward will disappear 24 hours after the campaign ends.When you receive a Drop, you may be prompted to share your claimed Drops in the chat, like in the image below: Cam...
Not that any of this is particularly unusual. Other titles, such asWorld of Tanks, Rocket League, Smite, Fortnite, and evenCrowfallhave similar events going on right now. And other games let you earn channel points for watching them. I redeemed a nice GalNet Dominix SKIN with channel poin...