Similarly, if you’re planning to create a ‘Just Chatting’ Twitch channel, you can also jump on trends by talking about interesting news stories or trending topics. Reacting to the latest influencer drama can also be a good way to gain views too. #26 – Promote your Twitch on Twitter T...
Hasan Piker, popularly known by his Twitch moniker HasanAbi, is one of the most prominent political commentators—comfortably topping the Just Chatting category on the platform. This, undoubtedly, makes him Twitch’s cream of the crop, buthow much money does Hasan make? Recommended Videos Hasan b...
though. Since Twitch’s huge rise in popularity during the pandemic, the ‘Just Chatting’ category has grown to be the most popular single category, proving that you don’t necessarily need to be a gamer to make
Introduced by Twitch in 2018, theJust Chattingcategory has consistently been a chart-topper in terms of viewership. This non-gaming space lets streamers interact directly with viewers, fostering personal connections and thriving communities that contribute significantly to Twitch’s success. ...
内容生态:除电子竞技赛事直播外,还涵盖音乐创作、手工制作、聊天互动(“Just Chatting”分类)等多元化内容; 文化影响:平台特有的“订阅打赏”“比特货币”等机制催生了新型网络文化,许多中国用户通过加速器访问国际版,国内部分直播平台的弹幕文化也受其影响。 需注意的是,作为专有名词时“Twitch”...
11. “Just chat” with your viewers A natural offshoot of the IRL category is the “Just Chatting” category. Just Chatting videos are exactly what they sound like; it’s you just talking to your viewers and subscribers. You can try to share your views about the latest news about the to...
Just Chatting Grand Theft Auto V (All-time #4) League of Legends (All-time #1) Fortnite (All-time #2) Call of Duty: Warzone (All-time #NA, but Call of Duty: Black Ops III #17) VALORANT (All-time #NA) Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (All-time #3) ...
Are you in the right category? If people are looking to watch a specific game, they won’t enjoy your content if you are playing something else or are just chatting. Make sure that you are streaming what you claim you are. How does your thumbnail look? If you were scrolling through Tw...
Just Chatting Grand Theft Auto V (All-time #4) League of Legends (All-time #1) Fortnite (All-time #2) Call of Duty: Warzone (All-time #NA, but Call of Duty: Black Ops III #17) VALORANT (All-time #NA) Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (All-time #3) ...
随着用户基数增长,Twitch逐步开放「Just Chatting」闲聊板块、「音乐与表演」创作频道,甚至出现编程教学、手工艺制作等垂类内容。这种转变使平台从硬核游戏社区转型为综合性娱乐空间,例如2022年音乐类直播观看时长同比增长58%,非游戏内容占比突破35%。 四、商业价值体现 电竞战队通过Twitch赛事直播...