(accessToken){ logLine("Logging in via PlayFab...");// When given accessToken, make call to LoginWithTwitch API Call// Make sure to use your own PlayFab Title IDPlayFabClientSDK.LoginWithTwitch({ AccessToken: accessToken, TitleId:"PLAYFAB_TITLE_ID_GOES_HERE", CreateAccount:true...
twitch') { try { const response = await axios.get('https://api.twitch.tv/helix/streams', { headers: { 'Client-ID': twitchClientId, 'Authorization': `Bearer ${twitchAccessToken}`, }, params: { user_login: 'YOUR_TWITCH_USERNAME', }, }); const streamData = response.data.data[0]...
Get Twitch Auth Token in jQuery $.ajax({ url: 'https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/token?client_id=CLIENTIDGOESHERE&client_secret=CLIENTSECRETGOESHERE&grant_type=client_credentials', type: 'POST', success: function(data) { console.log(data) console.log(data.access_token) console.log(data.expires...
Signs the user in using a Twitch access token.HTTP 复制 POST https://titleId.playfabapi.com/Client/LoginWithTwitchRequest Header展开表 NameRequiredTypeDescription None True string This API requires no authentication headers (usually provides one to other calls)....
req_err: print(f"An error occurred: {req_err}") # 打印其他请求错误 # 示例调用 api_url = "https://api.twitch.tv/helix/streams" headers = { "Client-ID": "your_client_id", "Authorization": "Bearer your_access_token" } data = get_twitch_data(api_url, headers) if data: print(...
Signs the user in using a Twitch access token.HTTP コピー POST https://titleId.playfabapi.com/Client/LoginWithTwitchRequest Headerテーブルを展開する NameRequiredTypeDescription None True string This API requires no authentication headers (usually provides one to other calls)....
*/StringaccessToken=twitch.auth().getAccessToken();// if we want to explicitly get it for some reasonSystem.out.println("Access Token: "+accessToken); }else{/* Authentication failed, most likely because the user denied the authorization request */System.out.println(twitch.auth().getAuthentic...
Twitch API 使用指南说明书
api.Settings.AccessToken = "access_token" // App Secret is not an Accesstoken streaming().Wait() getchanfollows().Wait() getusersubs().Wait() getnumberofsubs().Wait() getsubstochannel().Wait() Console.ReadLine() End Sub Private Async Function getusersubs() As Task 'Checks ...
For over two years I lost access to use the live streaming options and connect the chat bridge. I've tried again today and see I am reffered to 'Twitch Token generator', but how does this work? I cannot connect to my Twitch anywhere, I just get a random token. I need to connect ...