A simple Twitch chat bot that can be run from the command-line. - PythooonUser/twitch-chat-bot-js
Twitch chatbot for twitch.tv/jcog. Contribute to JCog/goombotio development by creating an account on GitHub.
Twitch Chat(IRC) Bot Created: November-22, 2018 Twitch Chat 是一个简单的 IRC 聊天。对于任何认真的开发,都有多个文档,包括最全面和最普遍的资源: http: //ircdocs.horse/连接,握手IRC 是一种基于纯文本的基本 TCP 协议。连接到 Twitch 的工作方式与任何常规 IRC 服务一样,但在身份验证方面有所不同:...
You can join theDiscord serverfor support. Install npm itwitch-chat-client Repository github.com/d-fischer/twitch Fundthis package Weekly Downloads 554 License MIT Unpacked Size 346 kB Total Files 90 Last publish 3 years ago Collaborators Tryon RunKit Reportmalware...
Twitch.tv聊天Bot赛车游戏 单击“开始投票” ,您的听众可以使用命令以双色投票以获胜。 它使用Express , Socket.io和Twitch API 用法 克隆此存储库git clone https://github.com/barrosfilipe/twitch-chat-color-race-bot.git 进入项目目录cd twitch-chat-color-race-bot 安装运行yarn或npm install依赖项 配置您的...
SimpleTwitchCommander,as I’ve named it on Github, assumes some familiarity with basic Python programming. The code will allow you to take commands from chat in two ways. Commands from chat can be tabulated, and only the one with the most votes executed, or every single command can be acte...
twitch-pubsub-client- listen to events using the Twitch PubSub interface twitch-webhooks- listen to events using WebHooks If you're getting stuck... You can join theDiscord serverfor support. Install npm itwitch Repository github.com/d-fischer/twitch ...
SimpleTwitchCommander,as I’ve named it on Github, assumes some familiarity with basic Python programming. The code will allow you to take commands from chat in two ways. Commands from chat can be tabulated, and only the one with the most votes executed, or every single command can be acte...
Twitch API 使用指南说明书
Overall, the model did perform pretty well. A nice way it could be tested is to use some form of a Turing test where we make a Twitch bot say phrases from the neural network, and see if anyone catches on. The code for this project is available onmy Github, along with the 5MB datas...