Aiming a chem-powered crossbow at the gilded heart of Piltover, he has vowed to show those in the city above just how filthy they really are. Always a sneaky sneak, when he’s not rooting around in the Sump, he’s digging deep into other people’s garbage for discarded treasures… and...
Ludwig is returning to Twitch for a week-long League of Legends climb. Here's everything we know about Ludwig's League Week.
Fandom's League of Legends Esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in League of Legends. Pages that were modified between April 2014 and June 2016 are adapted from information taken from Pages modified between June 2016 and September 2017 are adapted fro...
美妆品牌涌入「Twitch」瞄准占比近一半的全球女性玩家 据《Glossy》报道,女子电竞嘉年华 GirlGamer 的「Twitch」官方账号在过去主要直播「英雄联盟(League of Legends)」和「无畏契约(Valorant)」等游戏的全女子联赛,不过该频道 8 月 16 日的开播内容和以往有些不同。GirlGamer 在这天与美妆品牌 Charlotte Tilbury ...
Twitch, The Plague Rat - League of Legends champion wallpapers, official skin splash artwork and fan art
Active - Spray and Pray: For the next 8 seconds, gains 25 / 50 / 200% AD bonus physical damage on-hit and infinite range. During this time his basic attacks travel their full range and hit every enemy they pass through. This also applies on-hit
Twitch, the Plague Rat has few skins available, as most of them have been buried in the history of League of Legends. From the two at hand we find wildly different concepts: a steam-punk and a Chicago gangster. Are there any good choices to spread venom in style? There’s no need to...
【咖咪的奇妙老鼠台】ONE for ALL 雷歐娜打寶石 leona VS taric | 美服英雄联盟 | LOL | League of Legends KAMI4god 79 0 【咖咪的奇妙老鼠台】线上多人桌游网站推荐!!! 桌游好玩#1 | boardgamearena | KAMI4god 1107 0 【咖咪的奇妙老鼠台】克隆 10永恩内战 | 美服英雄联盟 | LOL | League of...
业界盛行着一个玩笑:如果拳头(RIOT GAMES)再不搞点新花样,抱着《英雄联盟》(League of Legends)坐吃山空,最好还是考虑把公司名改成RIOT GAME(删去了复数形式)比较好。 很少有人未曾听闻英雄联盟 事实之残酷,比玩笑更甚。 《英雄联盟》,世界上最火爆、最受欢迎的游戏之一,2009年10月美服首次登台,大获好评,后...
Awesome 'Call of Duty: Modern Warfare' Streamers To Follow On Twitch The 50 Best Games to Stream The Best Hearthstone Streamers On Twitch The Best 'VALORANT' Streamers On Twitch The Best League of Legends Streamers On Twitch The Best Overwatch Streamers On Twitch The Best Celebrity Streamers ...