Depending on the Twitch Alert you opt for, you may be able to mix text, graphics, and animated GIFS in your stream alerts. You will want your stream alerts you select to reflect your personality and the image you're portraying through your stream. If you opt to use overlays, panels, a...
We’re of course in our desktop. Of course we’re under the actual Widgets category, and we’re under alert box which is where you wanna change and get your alert box going. So what you wanna do is of course, launch the URL here, launch this URL here, and on the right hand side...
Video", for: UIControlState()) // End the live stream self.session.running = false self.session.stopLive() // Update current Live stream status UI self.statusLbl.alpha = 1 self.statusLbl.text = "Live Video ended" self.statusLbl.textColor = .gray } } else { streamKeyAlert.textField...