Hi, As a key community project using Nav2, I wanted to drop you a note that I am in the process of changing the default cmd_vel topic type from Twist to TwistStamped in efforts of enabling a broader set of applications and safety constra...
在ROS(Robot Operating System)中,geometry_msgs/TwistStamped是一个标准消息类型,它结合了geometry_msgs/Twist消息和一个时间戳(header)。geometry_msgs/Twist消息用于描述一个刚体(例如机器人)的线速度和角速度,而geometry_msgs/TwistStamped则通过添加一个时间戳字段,使得该消息能够包含时间信息,这在处理时间序列数据或...
Hi, As a key community project using Nav2, I wanted to drop you a note that I am in the process of changing the default cmd_vel topic type from Twist to TwistStamped in efforts of enabling a broader set of applications and safety constra...
Educational ChangeGlobal ApproachVideo TechnologyTHE family of a devoted dad whose killer was sentenced to just 12 months last night lashed out at the justice system that failed them.doi:10.1016/S0964-5691(00)00033-8Hutton, RobertCeska GynekolCeská Gynekologie...
Feature request Add optional support of TwistStamped to replace Twist publishers of velocity control data. Feature description I'm working with @pedro-fuoco on integrating NAV2 and ArduPilot for his Google Summer of Code project. More in...
Breadcrumbs common_interfaces /geometry_msgs /msg / TwistStamped.msg Latest commit dirk-thomas rename message packages a24bc1f· Aug 11, 2015 HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame 4 lines (3 loc) · 92 Bytes Raw # A twist with reference coordinate frame and timestamp std_msgs...
Something I noticed when updating the workspace I've been using for my hobby projects. The use_stamped parameter in twist_marker is defaulting to false, but the same parameter in twist_mux must be ...