Production on Season one of Peacock’s upcoming TV adaptation of Twisted Metal is in the books. The series’ writer and executive producer Michael Jonathan Smith announced via Twitter earlier this week (along with a picture of an ice sculpture of the series’ logo) that production on the first...
Over 6K TV viewers have voted on the 70+ shows on Creepiest Shows In TV History. Current Top 3: The Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, Unsolved Mysteries ...
These books are a great incentive for procrastinating writers, or is that just me? to get our act together and sit down and write for a specific project. Even for the writers who weren’t lucky enough to get into the finished book, it will still have been excellent practice and discipline...
Just as I was wondering what I will be doing with all these hymn books that we hardly open, (thanks to the latest brand of rock guitars and beat boxes) guess what smacks me on my way off the stage? Ooops pulpit. In my never ending bid to keep up with other celebrity mega churches...
Over 6K TV viewers have voted on the 70+ shows on Creepiest Shows In TV History. Current Top 3: The Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, Unsolved Mysteries ...
Over 6K TV viewers have voted on the 70+ shows on Creepiest Shows In TV History. Current Top 3: The Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, Unsolved Mysteries ...
Over 6K TV viewers have voted on the 70+ shows on Creepiest Shows In TV History. Current Top 3: The Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, Unsolved Mysteries ...
Over 6K TV viewers have voted on the 70+ shows on Creepiest Shows In TV History. Current Top 3: The Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, Unsolved Mysteries ...
Over 6K TV viewers have voted on the 70+ shows on Creepiest Shows In TV History. Current Top 3: The Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, Unsolved Mysteries ...
Over 6K TV viewers have voted on the 70+ shows on Creepiest Shows In TV History. Current Top 3: The Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, Unsolved Mysteries ...