Last year, I discoveredAna Huangwhen I read herIf Love Seriesand quickly became a fan. She writes the type of romances I love to read with great chemistry between her leads and addicting plots. I was never bored reading that series and I made sure to keep an eye out for any of her ...
I hear Karius just raised a series C, and they’re an “emerging unicorn”. It does appear that we are all still resolutely calling these things “AI” for now, though, much as I wish, as a semasiology enthusiast, that we would be more precise. Some Qualifications History does not re...
Well, firstly, the Twisted ones are actually newer. If you didn’t know, Land Rover’s V8 Works models aren’t actually a new production series of cars running down the line. Rather, they’re a limited series of stripped and rebuilt old cars. Twisted’s Defenders are delivery mileage ’...
In your children’s church and youth groups, include a series of stories about the great missionaries of the past. Tell your kids about the incredible missionaries who have served in the name of the Lord. Revere the martyrs and laborers who sacrificed for God. Let the youth see how these ...
An ellipsis is a mark or series of marks that usually indicate an intentional omission of a word or a phrase from the original text. An ellipsis can also be used to indicate a pause in speech, an unfinished thought, or, at the end of a sentence, a trailing off into silence. An ellip...
An unhandled failure gets passed down the line of errbacks, this creating an asynchronous analog to a series to a series ofexcept:statements. If an errback doesn't raise an exception or return atwisted.python.failure.Failureinstance, switch to callback. ...
As for entertainment, I just read The Flight Attendent, which was a series I watched on Amazon first. Again, so much more detail and I realized that the series took quite a few artistic liberties. Cassie is not quite the blond bimbo they make her out to be, but she does have a drink...
To continue the theme and indeed the next instalment in the Dirty Britain series, I bring you this: Bin Bath (And this is indeed a true story by the way) Now, as all of you either know or don’t know that I often collect human debris discarded by miscreant’s unknown on the count...
Twisted uses theDeferredobject to manage the callback sequence. The client application attaches a series of functions to the deferred to be called in order when the results of the asychronous request are available (this series of functions is known as a series ofcallbacks, or acallback chain)...
“Blood Moon is darker and bloodier than the previous books in the series. The werewolves are more vicious than ever, and Reynolds does not hold back the violence in this book, so if that kind of thing bothers you, beware. However, there is a bit of humour thrown in to break up the...