Production on Season one of Peacock’s upcoming TV adaptation of Twisted Metal is in the books. The series’ writer and executive producer Michael Jonathan Smith announced via Twitter earlier this week (along with a picture of an ice sculpture of the series’ logo) that production on the first...
Twisted Metal Season 2 Brings the Tournament Sweet Tooth (Joe Seanoa) appears in a scene from Twisted Metal, Season 1 Episode 1. Photo: Skip Bolen/Peacock "I'm excited for fans to see these characters come to life and see what makes them funny and what makes them heartbroken. I ...
So, woozey and weak, the best course of action for her to undertake would be for her to drive a ton of metal around a busy little village full of sheeps and childs. During 50 mile an hour winds. At night. But why then sit about around the corner of the damn shop? -“Oh, I do...
This was an otherwise unspectacular stretch of bank on the seaward side of a bridge, bolstered with a low concrete corrugated metal and concrete breakwall. There were a few kids fishing there, but plenty of room for the three of us to set up. I have to admit I was a naysayer at firs...