Twisted Metal 2: World Tour PS1 (1996-10-31) PC (1997-11-19) PS3 PSP (2007-07-26,PS1模拟器) PSV (2012-08-28,PS1模拟器) PS5 PS4 (2023-07-18,PS1模拟器) 注:本作由SingleTrac Entertainment Technologies、Sony Interactive Studios America联手负责制作,SCE负责发行 烈火战车 3 Twisted Metal ...
Twisted Metal (英文) PS4PS5 無法購買 了解詳情 分級 全球玩家的評分 1234個評分 59% 9% 3% 17% 遊戲和法律資訊 體驗原本推出於PlayStation®主機的《Twisted Metal™》,本作在多方面獲得增強,不僅提升渲染效能,也新增了回轉、快速存檔和自訂影像濾鏡等多項功能。
Jeux PS5 PS4 Services Accessoires Actualités Boutique Assistance Connexion Rechercher Twisted Metal: Black™ Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe PS4ViolenceLancez-vous dans un match à mort diabolique dans Twisted Metal: Black™, le grand classique de combats motorisés, qui met en présence une...
Twisted Metal (英文) PS4PS5 NT$300 加入購物籃 加入購物籃 Twisted Metal (英文) PS4PS5 無法購買 了解詳情 分級 全球玩家的評分 1198個評分 59% 9% 3% 16% 遊戲和法律資訊 體驗原本推出於PlayStation®主機的《Twisted Metal™》,本作在多方面獲得增強,不僅提升渲染效能,也新增了回轉、快速存檔和自訂影...
Games PS5 PS4 Services Accessoires Nieuws Winkel Ondersteuning Zoeken Twisted Metal: Black™ Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe PS4GeweldNeem plaats achter het stuur en doe mee aan een dodelijke wedstrijd op wielen in Twisted Metal: Black™, de klassieke autowedstrijd waarin verschillende vresel...
Sony's PlayStation Productions "Twisted Metal" is a live-action "Mad Max"-type TV series, based on the video game, starring Anthony Mackie ("The Falcon and the Winter Soldier") as 'John Doe', streaming July 27, 2023 on Peacock:"...'John Doe' (Mackie) is a man that has no memori...
《Twisted Metal》| PS4、PS5 車輛戰鬥遊戲回歸。體驗PS1上的《Twisted Metal》,現已經過強化,不僅提升渲染效能,也新增了回轉、快速存檔和自訂影像濾鏡等多項功能。駕車四處衝撞並使用機關槍、熱追蹤導彈等武器,與最多八輛車鬥智、競速和火拼,想辦法成為留到最後的人。在本機分割畫面雙人模式中與好友對戰。
but revised its forecast down to 21 million after sales came in lower than expected despite aggressive promotions. Sony sold 8.2 million PS5s during the third quarter ending December 31, 2023, up from 7.1 million sold during the same quarter the previous year, but that was ...
Releases PS4 • WW • Jul 18, 2023 PS5 • WW • Jul 18, 2023 Metadata by IGDB Share Tweet Post First Trophy 1 year ago 18th Jul 2023 4:02:41 PM Platinum 2 hours, 3 minutes, 47 seconds 18th Jul 2023 6:06:28 PM PS1 Classics 52 Games 1,468 Twisted Metal 6 ...
Twisted Metal PS1 (1995-10-01,欧版) PC (1996) PSV (2012-08-29,PS1模拟器) PS3 PSP (2013-02-12,PS1模拟器) PS5 PS4 (2023-07-18,PS1模拟器) 注:本作由SingleTrac Entertainment Technologies负责制作,SCE负责发行 烈火战车 2 Twisted Metal 2: World Tour ...