Twisted Metal (英语) PS4PS5 暂时无法购买 了解更多 评级 Twisted Metal (英语) 登录后进行评价 全球玩家评价 3.94平均评价3.94颗星(满分5颗星,1192个评价) 1192个评价 59% 13% 9% 3% 16% 游戏和法律信息 体验原本在PlayStation®主机上推出的《Twisted Metal™》,本作不仅强化了渲染,且新增倒放、快...
Twisted Metal (英文) 登入以評分 全球玩家的評分 1184個評分 59% 13% 9% 3% 16% 遊戲和法律資訊 體驗原本推出於PlayStation®主機的《Twisted Metal™》,本作在多方面獲得增強,不僅提升渲染效能,也新增了回轉、快速存檔和自訂影像濾鏡等多項功能。
Fans of rocket-blasting cars and chain-gun-hauling ice cream trucks have even more to look forward to in July. The new live-action Twisted Metal series from Sony Pictures Television, PlayStation Productions, and Universal Television debuts July 27 ...
《Twisted Metal》| PS4、PS5 車輛戰鬥遊戲回歸。體驗PS1上的《Twisted Metal》,現已經過強化,不僅提升渲染效能,也新增了回轉、快速存檔和自訂影像濾鏡等多項功能。駕車四處衝撞並使用機關槍、熱追蹤導彈等武器,與最多八輛車鬥智、競速和火拼,想辦法成為留到最後的人。在本機分割畫面雙人模式中與好友對戰。 《Twiste...
Sony's PlayStation Productions "Twisted Metal" is a live-action "Mad Max"-type TV series, based on the video game, starring Anthony Mackie ("The Falcon and the Winter Soldier") as 'John Doe', streaming July 27, 2023 on Peacock:"...'John Doe' (Mackie) is a man that has no memori...
I played those so much as I kid, I bought the Twisted Metal games that were on PSN as Playstation Classics, wow, they feel clunky by today's standards, they could really use the remake/remaster treatment. Agree1Disagree0 ▼- blanka4545160d ago ...
The rumored revival of the Twisted Metal franchise by Sony in 2023 might very well be the real deal.
For Sony PlayStation gaming fans, there’s nothing quite like the steady barrage of bullets, missiles, burnt rubber, and mayhem that unfolds in aTwisted Metalvideo game. The Twisted Metal series has long been a gladiatorial match-up between the most colorful characters and their gnarly vehicles...
Twisted Metal Wiki is a site that provides information about the Twisted Metal series. At Twisted Metal Wiki, there is information about Twisted Metal, Twisted Metal 2, Twisted Metal 3, Twisted Metal 4, and there is also information about Characters, Con
It has been over 10 years since there was a new game in Sony's Twisted Metal franchise, but Peacock is about to reintroduce PlayStation gamers and new fans to its post-apocalyptic car combat. Later this month, the live-action Twisted Metal series will make its debut. And in the newly ...