Experience Twisted Metal Black™ for PS2™ system with 1080p up-rendering and Trophies. Additional enhanced features include Shareplay, Remote Play, Activity Feeds and Second Screen support for game manuals with PS Vita or PS App. They say the mind
User Rating: 9.4 | Twisted Metal: Black PS2 By megazorro1615 | Review Date: October 2, 2004 Explanation of the game: Twisted metal black revolves or has to do mainly with revenge. the game's storyline, starts off with normal people. these people are each encountered by this strange man...
I appreciated the chance to play the lost levels, but it didn't take long to explore them all - and in 2008 they just didn't have the same "wow" factor that they might have had in 2001. Newcomers who own a PS2 would be better off purchasing "Twisted Metal: Black....
Twisted Metal: Small Brawl is an okay title. Made for the original Playstation and released not long after Twisted Metal: Black, the M-Rated game that would bring the series back to its former glory, it is strange as to why this was made. Maybe this was made to give the franchise one...
Experience Twisted Metal: Black™ for PS2™ system with 1080p up-rendering and Trophies. Additional enhanced features include Shareplay, Remote Play, Activity Feeds and Second Screen support for game manuals with PS Vita or PS App. They say the mind bends and twists in order to deal with ...
Twisted Metal: Black. My first "FUN" game for the PS2. I will never forget those long afternoons with this game. if you are a twisted metal fan and you don't have this ... then you are NOT a twisted metal fan. even now, i play it once in a while, it's just no one else ...
首先镜像要完整...刻录的碟子 最好选用“威宝”“三菱”“铼德”的光盘 这些光盘的刻录比较完整 不易损坏(其它牌子的光盘忽略)刻录时最好选用4X的刻录速度 这样子 就能提高读盘率 肯定是光盘的问题因为你读碟时 有时成功有时失败 就肯定是光盘的问题了 ...
Twisted Metal: Head-on 烈火战车:勇往直前的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
深受粉丝喜爱的《Twisted Metal》曾经多次推出续集和外传,包括PS2平台上夜景非常美丽的《Twisted Metal Black》。然而,自2012年在PS3平台上重新推出并未获得热烈的市场反响后,这个游戏系列便陷入了沉寂。这样的结果实在令人遗憾,因为《Twisted Metal》不仅仅是一个经典游戏系列,更让我们明白到要有效地打击对手,最好的方...