Twisted Metal: Black™ Calificación global de los jugadores 5009 calificaciones 11 % 5 % 11 % Información legal y del juego Vive la experiencia de Twisted Metal: Black™ para el sistema PS2™ con una definición de 1080p y trofeos. Entre las funciones adicionales se incluyen Shareplay...
$9.99 Découvrez le jeu vidéo Twisted Metal: Black™ créé pour le système PS2™, offert désormais en haute définition 1080+ et avec des trophées. Les fonctionnalités améliorées ajoutées comprennent le jeu en partage, la lecture à distance, les fils d’activités et la prise en...
Experience Twisted Metal Black™ for PS2™ system with 1080p up-rendering and Trophies. Additional enhanced features include Shareplay, Remote Play, Activity Feeds and Second Screen support for game manuals with PS Vita or PS App. They say the mind
Experience Twisted Metal: Black™ for PS2™ system with 1080p up-rendering and Trophies. Additional enhanced features include Shareplay, Remote Play, Activity Feeds and Second Screen support for game manuals with PS Vita or PS App. They say the mind bends and twists in order to deal with ...
User Rating: 9.4 | Twisted Metal: Black PS2 By megazorro1615 | Review Date: October 2, 2004 Explanation of the game: Twisted metal black revolves or has to do mainly with revenge. the game's storyline, starts off with normal people. these people are each encountered by this strange man...
烈火战车:BLACK OnlineTwisted Metal: Black OnlinePS2 欧版 (2002)…封面载入中…
烈火战车:BLACK Twisted Metal: Black PS2 (2001-06-18) PS2 (2002-09-27,在线版:新增副标题“Online”-去掉了单人战役和单人模式) PS3 (2012-09-05,PS2模拟器) PS4 (2015-12-05,PS2模拟器) 注:本作由Incog Inc. Entertainment负责制作,SCE Studio Santa Monica作为出品方,SCE负责发行 ...
烈火战车:BLACKTwisted Metal: Black Incognito Entertainment 2001-06-18 9.18.1 简介 开发/发行 链接 封面秀 Logo 资源 媒体评分9.1会员评分8.1 在这个充满了碰撞和破坏的终极比赛当中,Calypso 直接从疯人院里找了一帮乌合之众作为比赛选手。 类型:射击,竞速 ...
Twisted Metal: Black. My first "FUN" game for the PS2. I will never forget those long afternoons with this game. if you are a twisted metal fan and you don't have this ... then you are NOT a twisted metal fan. even now, i play it once in a while, it's just no one else ...