Site Search Home:Game Cheats:PlayStation Twisted Metal 4 Printer Friendly Version God mode:Enter Down, Left, L1, Left, Right as a password at the options menu. The sound of laughter will confirm correct code entry.All power-ups are Napalms:Enter Right, Left, R1, Right, Circle as a pass...
We Need More Twisted Metal JACOB_LC|1876d ago |Opinion piece|8| ▼ Jacob St-Amour from Link-Cable Writes: "It has been more than seven years since our last chaotic journey through the world of the Twisted Metal universe and I for one am tired of waiting. The explosions, the dark, ...
After disappointing outings to wrap up the PS1, some original developers were back on board for Twisted Metal's PS2 debut. The result is a game that goes back to the series' glory days, and combined with the extra power ... Read Full Review 5 of 5 users found the following review help...
After disappointing outings to wrap up the PS1, some original developers were back on board for Twisted Metal's PS2 debut. The result is a game that goes back to the series' glory days, and combined with the extra power ... Read Full Review 5 of 5 users found the following review help...