Twisted Metal 2 [cheats] Twisted Metal 2 [PSX] Twisted Metal 3 [PSX] Twisted Metal 4 [PSX] Twisted Metal : Small Brawl [PSX] Twisted Metal Black Online [PSX] Twisted Metal [PS3] Twisted Metal [PSP] Twisted Metal [PSX] Twisted Metal [trainer +4] ...
PS4版本 DUALSHOCK 4震動功能 暴力內容 分級 Twisted Metal 2 (英文) 登入以評分 全球玩家的評分 1167個評分 81% 8% 3% 2% 6% 遊戲和法律資訊 體驗原本於PlayStation®主機推出的《Twisted Metal™ 2》,本作在多方面獲得增強,不僅提升渲染效能,也新增了回轉、快速存檔和自訂影像濾鏡等多項功能。
Twisted Metal Cheats For PlayStationRear View MirrorHold Right on the D-Pad and then press start. A rear view mirror will appear.Contributed by: Vincento Misc. Passwords Enter the following at the password screen: EffectEffect Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square Arena Duel #2 - The ...
PS4游戏《烈火战车2:世界巡回赛》(Twisted Metal 2: World Tour)是一款充满刺激和疯狂的赛车游戏。游戏中的环境不断变化,有行人、其他运动着的车辆以及很多种和游戏互动的场景。玩家在游戏中还会遇到许多种不同的敌对车辆以及来自敌人的各种攻击。 玩家将进入那个疯狂、刺激却又那么叫人向往的赛车世界。透过毁灭性的...
Classics PS4® Bundle$19.99 游戏介绍 Experience Twisted Metal: Black™ for PS2™ system with 1080p up-rendering and Trophies. Additional enhanced features include Shareplay, Remote Play, Activity Feeds and Second Screen support for game manuals with PS Vita or PS App. ...
PS4《烈火战车 Twisted Metal》英文版最初在初代PlayStation平台上推出,仅在《Destruction Derby》发布几周后。然而,《Twisted Metal》并非仅仅依靠迎头碰撞的简单玩法吸引玩家,而是以其车载武器数量超过阿帕奇攻击直升机为卖点。 《Twisted Metal》的故事情节仿佛是《电锯惊魂》外传的一部分,设定在遥远的2005年。故事发生...
Damn right we need more Twisted Metal. Its the reason I bought a PS4 to begin with. If Nintendo can stay faithful to its Mario/Zelda fanbase for all these years then Sony can show some love for its old school fans in the same manner. Reply20 - Skuletor1876d ago Not a fan of ...
PS4 PS5 Follow 8.8 GreatCheck out the review Metacritic -- User Avg 8.7 GameSpot Presents: Now Playing - Twisted Metal (Retro) Tom Mc Shea and Ryan MacDonald fire up the classic retro versions of Twisted Metal, Twisted Metal 2, Twisted Metal 4, and Twisted Metal Black!
Discover PS4 gamesIncredible games & non-stop entertainment The PS4 console, delivering awesome gaming power, incredible entertainment and vibrant HDR technology.1 More ways to play Store your games, apps, screenshots and videos with up to 1TB storage inside the PS4 console – sl...
PS4版本 DUALSHOCK 4震動功能 暴力內容 分級 Twisted Metal (英文) 登入以評分 全球玩家的評分 3.97平均評分為3.97顆星(滿分5顆星),共1061則評分 1061個評分 59% 13% 9% 3% 16% 體驗原本推出於PlayStation®主機的《Twisted Metal™》,本作在多方面獲得增強,不僅提升渲染效能,也新增了回轉、快速存檔和...