詳情請參閱PlayStation.com/bc。 購買或使用本內容需遵守SEN使用條款及用戶合約。 ©1995 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Twisted Metal is a registered trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC and related companies in the United States and other countries....
Twisted Metal: Directed by Michael D. Jackson. With Charles Lance, Aimée Leigh, Dean Andre, Robert Goodens. On Christmas Eve of 2005, demonic Calypso is organizing his tenth annual Twisted Metal car combat deathmatch contest on the streets of L.A. Whoev
烈火战车:小型格斗 Twisted Metal: Small Brawl PS1 (2001-11-26) 注:本作由Incog Inc. Entertainment负责制作,SCE Studio Santa Monica作为出品方,SCE负责发行 烈火战车:勇往直前 Twisted Metal: Head-On PSP (2005-03-24) PS2 (2008-02-05,增强版/Extra Twisted Edition) 注: 1.PSP版由Incognito Enterta...
Twisted Metal Wiki is a site that provides information about the Twisted Metal series. At Twisted Metal Wiki, there is information about Twisted Metal, Twisted Metal 2, Twisted Metal 3, Twisted Metal 4, and there is also information about Characters, Con
烈火战车Twisted Metal Eat Sleep Play Inc.,SingleTrac 1995-10-01 7.57.5 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 媒体评分 7.5 会员评分 7.5 强而有力、快而致命,疯狂不羁!总共 12 辆致命机器!公路追车!郊区狩猎!任君挑选。只需要一辆就能展现您的风格! 类型:格斗,射击,竞速 ...
烈火战车 Twisted Metal 补充完善游戏资料 类型: 游戏/射击/竞速 平台: PS 发行日期: 1995-11-05 想玩在玩玩过
Twisted Metal First Released Nov 5, 1995 PC PlayStation + 2 more Developed by: SingleTrac Sony Interactive Entertainment Published by: Sony Music Entertainment Japan Inc. SCEE SCEI SCEA Sony Interactive Entertainment Genre(s): Simulation Teen Animated Violence ©...
【PS1版】《烈火战车3(Twisted Metal III)》(1998)通关视频 1813 1 56:03 App 【PS1版】《烈火战车(Twisted Metal)》(1995)游戏视频 517 -- 2:14:29 App 《尖叫赛车2(Screamer 2)》(1996)通关视频 3275 5 3:42:28 App 《模拟城市2000(SimCity2000)》(1993)游戏视频 1451 1 9:09:33 App 《...
Twisted Reverse-engineering of Twisted Metal, a game released on the PlayStation in 1995. Table of Contents Twisted Table of Contents Getting started Using the database viewer The toolbar The database view The database columns Reverse-engineering The database The symbols Tips and tricks Known...
Twisted Metal – Head On(以下简称TMHO)正是Incognito在PSP上发行的最新作品。如果要我说的话,TMHO...