I would tell her that I love her whatever she has done. Second, I would urge her to repent of her sin and to be reconciled to God. Third, I would offer her my support in honouring the Lord by carrying the child to term and in raising the child. ...
• Much, much later decide whether it is still worth waiting and trying to complete your journey or simply to go home. You may wish to consult online transportation schedules or use your book of public footpaths. However, if you feel you might as well wait for the next bus to be late...
Our Twisted Hero
can be directed only byreasonandconviction,not by force or violence; and thereforeall menare equally entitled to thefree exercise of religion,according to thedictates of conscience;and that it is the mutual duty of all to practiceChristian forbearance, love, and cha...
I would love to find out. but i cannot imagine a scenario of 500 nodes worse then the current fusionresolve. no way it's gonna work. my computer would probably explode. lets say you can render 16 nodes realtime. your comp is 10 seconds long.the algorithm needs to be genius. render ...