This English story book, with its original English content, is a must-read for those who love to be surprised by the unexpected. The book's intricate web of lies and deceit will keep you guessing until the very end, making it a thriller book that stands out in its genre. Whether you'...
The interaction Lagrangian L4 is too large to be meaningfully presented here, but can be found in the Mathematica notebook attached to the arXiv submission of this paper. We note that our conventions at this point differ from those of [12, 34] and the re- view [35]. Firstly, with ...
Proposition 2.7 can be restated as: the pullback functor QCoh(X)→QCoh(G) induces an equivalence between QCoh(X) and the full subcategory of QCoh(G) where ρ=σ1. Let G be a Gm-gerbe over a qcqs scheme X, and χ a character of Gm. We define the category of χ-homogeneous ...