8. An unexpected change in a process or a departure from a pattern, often producing a distortion or perversion: a twist of fate; a story with a quirky twist. 9. A personal inclination or eccentricity; a penchant or flaw: an odd twist to his character. 10. A dance characterized by vigo...
Gastropods (snails) are members of the phylum Mollusca and have been studied in a range of evolutionary developmental biology contexts. As members of the third major branch of the bilaterians, Spiralia (Lophotrochozoa) and the most speciose group outside of the arthropods, gastropods present a ...
(Fig.4A). As a direct comparison, we show that theRaceandushexpression pattern defects intsg attPembryos are the same as those carrying a previously describedtsg2null allele40(Fig.4D). Taken together, the defects in BMP target gene expression, along with the male lethality and sequencing ...