Though Riot shut it down years ago, enthusiasts are still working to revive it, hoping it won’t meet the same fate. However, given Riot’s track record, it’s likely just a matter of time before this one bites the dust too. Harrowing Summoner's Rift Skin Courtesy: RuneForge If you...
这个函数按照索引加载关卡。在Unity中使用File->Build Settings...菜单可以看到所有关卡的索引列表。在你能过加载关卡之前你必须将它添加到游戏使用关卡列表中。在Unity中使用File->Build Settings...并添加你需要的关卡到关卡列表中。 //加载索引为 0 的关卡 Application . LoadLevel(0); 当加载崭新的关卡时,所有已...
demanding his ID. He tries to explain, “I wasn’t the shooter…I was the one who got shot.” They ignore him. So do the first round of paramedics, who take the others to the hospital, while Harvey is left to bleed