1FUNCTION_BLOCK Axis_Base_PTP23VAR4REF: AXIS_REF;5mcMoveRela: MC_MoveRelative;6mcPower: MC_Power;7mcStop: MC_Stop;8mcMoveAbs: MC_MoveAbsolute;9mcReset: MC_Reset;10mcReadPosition: MC_ReadActualPosition;11mcReadStatus: MC_ReadStatus;12mcHalt: MC_Halt;1314AxisPara:ST_AxisPara;15END_VAR ...
When the block sees a rising edge on theExecuteinput, it will initiate a move to the givenPositionusing the given motion parameters (Velocity,Acceleration,Deceleration, andJerk). Note that turning off theExecuteinputdoes not stop the motion. You must useMC_HaltorMC_Stopto do that. The reason...
运动MC_MoveVelocity 121 5.4.2 绝对定位MC_MoveAbsolute 122 5.4.3 相对定位MC_MoveRelative 122 5.4.4 点动MC_Jog 123 5.4.5 停止MC_Stop 和MC_Halt 125 5.4.6 模长内定位MC_MoveModulo 126 5.5 位置外部设定值发生器(External set value generation ) 127 5.5.1 MC_ExtSetPointGenEnable 128 5.5.2 MC...
MC_Halt可以让一个轴正常停止。MC_Stop在PLCControl开发环境中,TcMc2.libLevelPLC或者更低,此时需要重装TwinCATLevelTwinCATNCPTP或者TwinCATNCI。 aAxis OFAxis_Ref无法工作。这时候,需要重新确认SystemManager中Tpy文件正确,然后在PlcControlProject|RebuildAllSystemManager中,使能信号变为False,NC立即触发Error。连接...
MC_MoveVelocity, MC_MoveAbsolute and MC_Halt ran into error when frequently called with changing dynamics and BufferMode := MC_Aborting. The user interface for task sorting is updated. The ContinuousUpdate input of MC_TorqueControl works. Note: you need to update your run time to version 3.1...
运动MC_MoveVelocity 15 5.4.2 绝对定位MC_MoveAbsolute 16 5.4.3 相对定位MC_MoveRelative 16 5.4.4 点动MC_Jog 17 5.4.5 停止MC_Stop 和暂停MC_Halt 19 5.4.6 模长内定位MC_MoveModulo 19 5.5 位置外部设定值发生器(External set value generation )21 5.5.1 MC_ExtSetPointGenEnable 22 5.5.2 MC_Ext...