ALCT - the Automatic Liquid Crystal Tester has up to two independent channel, high voltage, arbitrary waveform function generators (±100V and 1MHz) and up to four real-time digital scope channels. The ALCT can perform automatic measurement of various liquid crystal parameters. VHR - the Voltag...
TwinCAT CNC 控制器 型号是C6640-0040含C9900-S444 来自:厦门周月科技有限公司面议发布时间:2023-4-2 关注次数:8 产品参数 商品详情 CASE OF 40 TEKCEL SEALTITE REUSABLE MICROPLATE COVERS BOSTON GEAR 700 SERIES 1-1/16" FMA726600B56 STOBER R27-2142-NK-145?TC GEAR BOX KAYDON REALI SLIM ...